Parameters of Rockwool Tech Mat Insulation Material

Thermal insulation of main pipelines reduces temperature losses and protects communications from freezing in winter. For maximum efficiency, a material with low thermal conductivity and long service life is required. Such insulation is Rockwool Tech Mat basalt wool - a specialized product for insulating pipelines for above-ground and underground laying.

Material Description Rockwool Tech Mat

Rockwool technical insulation is intended for insulation of main pipes

Rockuvl Tech Mat mats are made from molten basalt rocks with the addition of a synthetic binder. During the manufacturing process, mineral wool is treated with a water repellent composition. The material belongs to the group of technical thermal insulation. It is designed to reduce heat loss in pipelines and tanks, insulate air ducts and air conditioning systems, prevent condensation and freezing of communications.

Slabs Techmat Rockwool are characterized by low weight and density. Randomly spaced stone wool fibers provide low thermal conductivity. The products are offered with one-sided aluminum foil lamination and without additional coating. Technical foil mats have the properties of a vapor barrier. They are designed for cold water mains. The products are rolled up and packed in a protective polyethylene film with a corporate logo.


Vapor permeability of the material does not contribute to the formation of condensation

In terms of performance, Techmat Rockwool is ahead of many materials in its class:

  • thermal conductivity - at 10 ° - 0.034, at 25 ° - 0.036 °, at 300 ° - 0.120 (W / m * K);
  • density - 43 kg / m3;
  • compressibility - up to 45%;
  • operating temperature - from 180 ° to 570 ° C;
  • water absorption - 1 kg / m2;
  • fire safety class - KM0, for foil models KM1;
  • organic matter content - 2%.

Due to its layered structure, mineral wool allows steam to pass through, maintaining the moisture balance of the insulated structures.

Advantages and disadvantages

With correct installation, a warranty for operation over 50 years

The solution to the problem of energy saving in the field of housing and communal services was the use of Rockwool technical insulation. The brand's products are resistant to a wide range of temperatures, prevent the spread of fire, and reduce noise levels.

The main advantages of the mats:

  • Energy efficiency - due to the low coefficient of thermal conductivity, energy losses are significantly reduced along the entire length of the pipelines. When the mats are compacted during installation on a structure with a high temperature, the indicator becomes less than the calculated value.
  • Moisture resistance - hydrophobic composition prevents moisture absorption and wetting of the insulation.
  • No shrinkage - hard stone fibers do not deform under load. The resilient plates retain their original shape, preventing the formation of gaps for heat leakage.
  • Durability of operation - over the years of service the insulating properties of the material do not decrease. The company gives a guarantee for 50 years of operation of mineral wool.
  • Safety - materials are manufactured in accordance with environmental standards. They are safe for people and the environment.
  • Non-flammability - stone fibers do not support combustion.Plates Tekhmat belong to non-combustible materials, and when applying aluminum foil - to low-combustible materials.
  • Biological and chemical resistance - stone wool does not support the growth of mold and mildew, even in high humidity conditions. The material is resistant to oils, solvents, alkalis.

The insulation has no technical drawbacks; only the high cost of a specialized product can be attributed to the disadvantages.

Scope of use of insulation Rockwool Tech Mat

Chimney insulation in a private house with Rockwool technical mats

As thermal insulation, mineral wool is used for heating networks, cold water supply, and various technological equipment. High fire resistance allows you to install mats on air ducts, increasing fire safety. Insulation is used for insulation:

  • Heating mains (water and steam) located outdoors, in tunnels, unheated rooms and basements.
  • Cold water communication networks in private and civil construction. Basalt insulation is recommended for small-diameter pipes, in which the liquid freezes at negative temperatures.
  • Process pipelines for the food and pharmaceutical industries.
  • Connecting flanges and line fittings.
  • Boxes of metal chimneys, air ducts and air conditioning systems.

Also, mats are used to insulate tanks, heat exchangers and other technological equipment. Convenient dimensions and material flexibility simplify installation on irregularly shaped structures.

Product range

Technical mats are produced foil and uncoated

Thermal insulation mats Tech Mineral wool mat can be divided into 2 main groups:

  • insulation with foil lamination;
  • insulation without coating.

The linear dimensions of the mats are:

  • length - 5000,4500, 4000 mm;
  • width - 1000 mm.

Also, the manufacturer's assortment varies in plate thickness. This indicator directly affects the effectiveness of the insulation.

Tekhmat 50-60 mm - mineral heaters of the smallest thickness are produced in standard sizes 5000 × 1000 mm. One package contains slabs on 5 m2 area. The products are recommended for multi-layer insulation.

Tekhmat 70-90 mm - basalt heaters of considerable thickness are offered in lengths of 4500 and 4000 mm. The buyer receives respectively 4, 5 and 4 m2 of material. Plates are used for single-layer and multi-layer insulation of technological equipment and highways.

Installation technology

The insulation is wrapped around the pipe and fixed with tape

Mineral wool boards are used to insulate pipes with a diameter of 45 mm. The insulation is wrapped around the object, each turn partially overlaps the previous one. This technology eliminates cold bridges. The mats are fixed with banding tape or 2 mm wire. When installing a multi-layer structure, you will need 3 rings per 1 m of insulation. Plates of the second and third layers should overlap the joints of the insulation materials installed earlier. Insulation is installed only in dry weather.

When mounting on pipelines with a diameter of 219 mm or more, wire hangers are additionally used. They are placed between the bands and fixed to the pipeline. If the insulation is made with mineral wool laminated with foil, then the seams are glued with foil tape. The technology of insulating flanges requires sewing hooks to the mats for the subsequent fastening of the bandage with buckles. Also, the insulated fittings are lined with fiberglass.

Heat-insulating mats Rockwool Tech Mat have a service life equal to the service life of the insulated structures. The material does not lose its effectiveness for 50 years. Easy installation and reliability of basalt wool make it the best choice for pipe and equipment insulation.
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